Lil’ basic texture map for your day!! 😏
I like to put my un-fans on first thing and use my mirror to make sure they are evenly spaced and visible! -if you aren’t sure how to un-fan go check out my Instagram tv I’ve got a little video on it).
NEXT- I fill in between the un-fans layer by layer, starting with top, then bottom and last but not least- middle layer. Cause once the top and bottom are full, middle is all you got left ammirite?!
Hot tip 🥵- keep checking with your mirror to make sure you don’t lose those peaks! If you do, have no fear, just remove and reapply a longer or tighter one.
And there you have it! Basic texture in a nutshell!
**If you need more help with layers, head to my website & take my FREE Lashing In Layers mini workshop. It’s free soooo, no excuses will be accepted. 😂💜